Hello and welcome! I’m here to answer the questions, “what is the point of this website?” and “what’s the point of this blog?”.
As a UX Designer (which is my day job) you get drilled into thinking that everything you create and design for needs to have a purpose and a goal. And you really should know what the purpose and the goal are before you start.
Do I have a purpose for this website? Yes, yes I do. Do I have a goal for it? Well… Not yet. But I figure it’ll come to me!
But as for the purpose... I've created this website for myself, and for you who drop in here, to be a space where I can share the tips and tricks and thoughts and challenges that I’ve gone through, and will continue to go through, on my journey as a creative.
Because that’s what I feel this is. A journey. That I’ve already started. Without really knowing where I’ll end up.
And I think there are a lot of us out there. In the middle of a journey that could go anywhere. Who feel just as excited and inspired (and crazy-ass-scared and insecure) as I do.
So the point of fieldflowerstudio.com is to be a space where you can take part in all the weird, crazy, fun, scary, insecure, inspiring things I go through on my journey to be the creative I know I can be.
And my hope is, that by sharing these things with you, maybe you will get inspired on your journey. To be the creative you want to be.
See you out there!