Fresh remake.
I decided to do a remake of an old drawing of mine from 2 years ago.
It was a watercolour painting I made for Inktober 52, and the prompt was “fresh”.
It’s been hanging in my living room for a while and earlier this week I decided it was time to make a new version of it.
To see if I can see any growth in my skills since I made the first one in 2021. And also just to experiment with what happens when I use myself as inspiration. Here it is:
What do we think? I can’t decide yet, but as you can see I made a few changes. Reduced some of the “stuff”. Made the window and feeling of night time bigger. Used a different colour scheme.
I think I generally just tried to make it a bit more calm for the eye to look at. A little less messy and a bit more serene.
My fear was that making it less messy and more clean would make it less interesting. Sometimes less is more, but sometimes more is more. And that’s where I haven’t made up my mind yet about this one.
But I’m happy I did it. It was fun to reuse an old idea and see what my instincts today told me to do.
Gonna let it sit now for a bit and rhen come back to it to see how I really feel about it. So the judge is still out on this one!